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National Cherry Queen Application 25-26

Please be sure you've gathered the information needed to complete this application prior to filling out this online form. Information cannot be saved. If you have any questions please contact Angela Sayler, Director of Queen's Activities at (231) 649-1617 or queenscommittee@cherryfestival.org.

The application must be submitted or postmarked on or before May 5, 2025

***Please submit an unedited, non-professionally made video (1 minute or less in length) of you telling the judges about yourself. Think about what you’d like them to know about you and show your personality! Make sure to include your name and where you are from in the introduction. The deadline for this submission is Monday, May 5 at 5 p.m.

Applicant Information

Do you have any food allergies or dietary requirements we should know about?


Month and Year

Additional Information

(Answer is limited to 4000 characters)
(Answer is limited to 4000 characters)


Please tell us a little bit about your sponsor(s). If you need guidance on locating sponsors, please email queenscommittee@cherryfestival.org. There are spots for three sponsors below, if you have more, please email their information to queenscommittee@cherryfestival.org.

Total fee is $500 on or before 4/28/18 - $600 aft

File Uploads

Below, upload the following items:
  • Bio
  • One Page Resume
  • One color, high-resolution (300 dpi) digital photo
  • One-minute introduction video
All items can be uploaded to here. Or copy and paste the link here: https://www.dropbox.com/request/KCbFAWs25dhoFfPAE8Ko

Please check each box below indicating that these items have been uploaded.
Required Additional Application Information
Check when completed.

Official Rules, Regulations and Applications Submission

Please click on the link below and read the contract very carefully before agreeing to the terms and conditions.
I hereby accept the terms, rules, and regulations stated in this contract.
I attest that the above information is true and correct, and that proof thereof can be produced upon request. As a candidate of the National Cherry Queen title, I have met all of the requirements stated in the official National Cherry Queen Candidate contract, and will abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the National Cherry Festival and Queen’s Committee.
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